Die Holzgas Traktoren
Hürlimann 4KT40C
My first wood gas tractor, a Swiss Hürlimann 4KT40C from 1937, was used exclusively with wood gas from 1941 to 1948. I started restoring it at the age of 16. This was the origin of my fascination with wood gasifiers.

Meili SP3
My father Richard Hagen installed a Meili wood gas system. The tractor, built in 1945, has a large-volume, side-controlled De Soto six-cylinder engine. The engine runs silky smooth on wood gas.
Hürlimann 4(K)T42
The second Hürlimann, a 4T42 built in 1938, was originally also equipped with a wood gas generator. Although the system was no longer present, the type of additional holes drilled in the casting left clear indications.
So it was decided to retrofit the tractor with an original Imbert system. My father Richard Hagen completely restored this tractor. Together we rebuilt the wood gasifier.

Plowing on wood gas
During a museum show in Schaffhausen, the 4T42 was used to plow under wood gas. The 4B100 engine with 40 hp from 3.8 liters of displacement and a maximum speed of 1800 'min is ideal for the slow-burning wood gas.